iNavLife© Seminars

  • Personal
  • Health
  • Reigning
  • Expansive
  • Energy

The P.H.R.E.E. seminars come in 4 levels, each level for its own specific purpose. One must have done P.H.R.E.E. 1 before entering the phase of P.H.R.E.E. 2, 3a and 3b.

P.H.R.E.E. 1

This is a course that takes place in four evenings or two full days, both divided in two phases.

During these four phases, you will learn clear and practical means to obtain The Power of Healing on the emotional, physical and psychological levels; to enlighten your Personal Path and to make it available to each of you to see more honestly and deeply into
“Who I Am”

The Seminar includes:

  • An Initiation into 1st Degree Reiki
  • An attunement into Resonance Earth Energy
  • How to Heal yourself and help others heal
  • How to P.H.R.E.E. Your Cellular Memory from Trauma and fear-based Belief Systems
  • Detailed information on the Chakra-System, the glandular system as well as the organs
  • Decoding the binary Language of the Body and its symptoms (Body Intelligence Code)
  • How to choose your Belief Systems to Consciously Create your Reality (Mental Hygiene)
  • (more detailed info at bottom of page)

Thereby you will have the opportunity to:

– Get OUT OF YOUR MIND, and INTO your body, learning the Body’s Intelligence Code
and set your Self P.H.R.E.E. from the noise in your mind, which often creates limitations in your life

– Learn the Key Components to unlock your P.H.R.E.E. well of Healing Energy Flow
with Reiki and Resonance

– CLEAR your Cellular Memory, Belief Systems and Trauma that no longer serve you

– P.H.R.E.E. Your Self and others, from stress, fatigue, pain and dis-ease,
physically, emotionally, mentally and become independent from outside sources
of Energy and Healing-Support.

– Increase Energy, Vitality, Focus and Productivity

– Re-align with YOUR Truth and YOUR Path as opposed to following someone else’s


From that point, everyone of you may become a Conscious Creator of your own Existence

in the Present Moment
in this Body
on this Earth,
and within the Intention of
Free Will of Choice
Universal Harmony
As well as the awareness of

More Detailed Info:


– An initiation into Reiki (1st degree):

The Original Infinite Life-Force channeled through you as a marvelous vehicle that re-centers you back to your very Essence, and give you the possibility to Self-Heal as well as to transmit these Universal Life Energies to other Beings and life-forms and accelerate their own healing (read more…)

– Resonance:

Resonance Healing Unified Filed System teaches us to be in our bodies, accessing the energy that is available to us so that we can learn to be fully present, fully conscious human beings

– The Consciousness and Power of “Creative Thought”:

“my Reality is the result and manifestation of my Creative Thoughts and their underlying energy fields” and thus the possibility to become a Conscient “co-Creator” with the One and All through aware choice of thought, language and action (mental and cellular hygiene)

– Now:

Is All there Is, and how to BE PRESENT at all times and manage to your Mental Belief Systems that are based upon past experience and imprint as well as your projections into, and expectations of, the future

– Love:

when is it Pure Unconditional Love, and how this all powerful Energy can, as opposed to fear, be the driving force in and of your Existence

– Detailed information on the Chakra- system:

their function on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, their connected glands and organs and how they interact with our thoughts and emotions

– Our Body Intelligence Code:

learn to listen, understand and work with the very clear language of your Body – from pleasure to pain; interior as well as exterior – from a whisper as in a fatigue to a cry as in a more severe symptom, and thus recognize your symptoms.

– Symptoms on all levels:

and how they may be different versions or expressions of “I do not Love my Self”.
By recognizing your symptoms, you get to know how you function and dys-function, and then learn to heal and deal with your dis-eases

Call 424-354-2361 for more information